miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009

Karaoke Time. (Singing Activity)

Singing is a need to lower the fear of failure by creating a relaxed Low-Anxiety Environment. This helps build motivation, self-confidence and self-esteem, particularly within a mainstream environment.
By singing along, "in unison" with the class, EFL(English As a Foreign Language) students can without fear. Practice and perfect their pronunciation of English ... Take risks with words without embarrassment...
Experience in a wonderful way the mood of the English language, its culture, expressions and mannerisms.
Singing to Learn is especially helpful for memorizing different word sequences, for understanding the rhythm of the language and for perfecting ESL pronunciation.
Think about Pop Stars. Have you wondered how they can sing in several languages with almost perfect accents? That is because singing allows you to concentrate very carefully on each subtle sound until you get it right.
Competence based learning
-Skills: Pronunciation, Conmunicative and Interpersonal Expressions.
-Knowledge: To have an understanding the rhythm of the language.
-Values: Friendship / Balanced / Cooperative Work