lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009

Kinesthetic, Verbal Linguistic & Interpersonal Activities

It is very important to motivate student's intelligences through kinesthetic activities is important for those kids called "hyperactive", hyperactiveness is more famous for being something that can be a problem, but it is not. Hyperactive people are very intelligent, they have the ability to manage the core elements of the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence that control one's bodily motions and capacity to handle objects skillfully, these turn on the spark for better comprenhension and help the students to open their minds and feel more relaxed for learning any subject.

Interpersonal and verbal linguistic intelligences are the ability to interact with others, understand them, interpersonal intelligence is seen in how we "notice distinction among others; in particular, contrasts in their moods, temperaments motivations and intentions and verbal linguistic is the ability to conquer multiple languages with grace and ease and we know that a person's verbal linguistic ability can help them to construct and comprehend any language, but as a cognitive trait it is still universal.

In this activity students work through these mentioned intelligences, first they had to freestyle a conversation and finally they would get a chance to catch the ball with the container inside the circle.
Competence based learning
-Skills: Conmunicative and interpersonal
-Knowledge: To have an informal conversation
-Values: Friendship / Balanced / Knowledgeable