miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009

Karaoke Time. (Singing Activity)

Singing is a need to lower the fear of failure by creating a relaxed Low-Anxiety Environment. This helps build motivation, self-confidence and self-esteem, particularly within a mainstream environment.
By singing along, "in unison" with the class, EFL(English As a Foreign Language) students can without fear. Practice and perfect their pronunciation of English ... Take risks with words without embarrassment...
Experience in a wonderful way the mood of the English language, its culture, expressions and mannerisms.
Singing to Learn is especially helpful for memorizing different word sequences, for understanding the rhythm of the language and for perfecting ESL pronunciation.
Think about Pop Stars. Have you wondered how they can sing in several languages with almost perfect accents? That is because singing allows you to concentrate very carefully on each subtle sound until you get it right.
Competence based learning
-Skills: Pronunciation, Conmunicative and Interpersonal Expressions.
-Knowledge: To have an understanding the rhythm of the language.
-Values: Friendship / Balanced / Cooperative Work

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009

Kinesthetic, Verbal Linguistic & Interpersonal Activities

It is very important to motivate student's intelligences through kinesthetic activities is important for those kids called "hyperactive", hyperactiveness is more famous for being something that can be a problem, but it is not. Hyperactive people are very intelligent, they have the ability to manage the core elements of the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence that control one's bodily motions and capacity to handle objects skillfully, these turn on the spark for better comprenhension and help the students to open their minds and feel more relaxed for learning any subject.

Interpersonal and verbal linguistic intelligences are the ability to interact with others, understand them, interpersonal intelligence is seen in how we "notice distinction among others; in particular, contrasts in their moods, temperaments motivations and intentions and verbal linguistic is the ability to conquer multiple languages with grace and ease and we know that a person's verbal linguistic ability can help them to construct and comprehend any language, but as a cognitive trait it is still universal.

In this activity students work through these mentioned intelligences, first they had to freestyle a conversation and finally they would get a chance to catch the ball with the container inside the circle.
Competence based learning
-Skills: Conmunicative and interpersonal
-Knowledge: To have an informal conversation
-Values: Friendship / Balanced / Knowledgeable

miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009

Come to my festival.

Would you like to learn a new dance? well students made a great job by inviting everyone to their dance festival, each student made a dance festival poster to invite everyone to assist, students presented their posters in a very unique way, they tried everything to sell their event to their classmates, this activity was good because they had a need, the need made students invite everyone to their festival and the urge of use of the language used in this activity was great because most of it came out of them, their invitations were sincere and self-expressive.

Competence based learning
-Skills: Conmunicative (creativity for publicity)
-Knowledge: To speak in public
-Values: Friendship / Risk-takers / Knowledgeable

Paper Aiplanes

Flying and writing, that's how the 4th grade students were working in this activity, moving up and down, meausiring, calculating, counting, gathering information and writing on their information charts the details about their flights of their paper airplanes. This activity was interactive, dynamic, fun and informative, students decorated their paper airplanes, followed instructions by logging on the web to a paper airplane web page that had the steps on how to make paper airplanes, students used a "technology based approach"(computer/internet) to learn new things and practice the language, all this by visiting and web page, reading the web page information and using vanguard tools as a computer and printer to do their task.

Competence based learning
-Abilities & Skills: Writing & Measuring
-Knowledge: Mathematics
-Values: Sharing information / Inquirers / Reflective

miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009

Super Reading & Power Instructions

Super Reading.

Today's class requiere more experience and significance approaching as a real experience inside the classroom for kids to really learn.

The superspeed reading game provide a simple, extremely and entertaining way to help students improve their reading speed, skills and vocabulary knowledge.

Power Instructions.
In our classroom we use fun dynamics and techniques to keep an order inside, like for example, if kids are noisy, the teachers says "1,2,3, SILENCE" then the teachers asks the class "what do you do? and finally the class makes a gesture with their hands and repeat the instruction given with a "yeah" at the end.
Teacher: 1,2,3, silence, what do you do?
Kids: Silence, (gesture) yeah!

Competence based learning
-Abilities & Skills: Reading and Phonics
-Knowledge: Vocabulary Usage
-Values: Teamwork / Well-balanced / Principled

viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2008

Listening and Speaking

Many students can read and write English, but have real problems when it comes to holding a conversation. To overcome this, constant practice in listening and speaking will soon give the student confidence to speak easily and fluently. The importance of listening and practice speaking in acquiring a new language can never be overstated. Whether your learn a first, second or third language, listening comes first. The more English you listen and speak to, the better you prepare your brain for making fast progress. In language learning, quality and quantity make the difference. Speak and listen as much as possible! Make as many mistakes as possible! When you know that you have made a mistake, you know that you have made Progress!

Competence Based Learning:
-Skills: Listening and Speaking
-Knowledge: Vocbulary Usage
-Values: To feel fond for your friends / Open-minded / Thinkers

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2008

Junk Art

In this recycling activity the Teacher directed students to talk about how they felt about art. Everyone gave some ideas of what and how to do art with junk, they presented and explained their works of art in front of the class, they came up with really cool and creative art works, and they all wrote excellent information about thier creations.

Competence Based Learning:
-Skills: Visoperceptual Expressions
-Knowledge: Materials
-Values: Recycling / Inquirers / Principled / Reflective